An example of setting up xDebug in docker

January 21, 2023
About 3 min

Once upon a time, I put together a working environment with PHP, xDebug, Docker and PhpStorm. Since then, I have been dragging it from project to project and felt happy. For those who find it difficult to set up a local environment with Docker and xDebug, I am posting this config with explanations. Here below we will create a Docker image with xDebug installed, configure PhpStorm and explain a working configuration for Docker Compose.

xDebug setup example in docker


Let's start with the Dockerfile. Installing xDebug in supported php versions has become quite trivial. All you have to do is install PECL itself, call pecl install and then enable xDebug in php settings. For an Alpine-based image (e.g. php:8.2-fpm-alpine), this command looks like this:

RUN apk add --no-cache linux-headers \
	&& apk add --update --no-cache --virtual .build-dependencies $PHPIZE_DEPS\
	&& pecl install xdebug \
	&& docker-php-ext-enable xdebug \
	&& pecl clear-cache \
	&& apk del .build-dependencies

Done, the image with xDebug has been built!


Open the settings window, go to PHP -> Servers and add a new server, be sure to specify the correct mappings.


It is a mapping between local files and files on the server. In our case, the server is the container inside which the application is located.

The most important parts are highlighted on the screenshot.

  • Absolute path on the server: we should specify which path the project files in the container are available in. In the docker-compose.yml example above, I mounted them as a volume into the container along the path /var/www
  • Name. Yes, the name of the server in this case plays a key role, although this field is usually needed just for entering a human-readable name. In order to work correctly with xDebug, it must completely match to what we wrote in the PHP_IDE_CONFIG environment variable. The config above says serverName=docker, so I also named the server docker in the PhpStorm settings. This is necessary so that PhpStorm can match local files with files on the server (in a container).


There is another option for matching them: instead of PHP_IDE_CONFIG, you can use matching by Host and Port fields, but then debugging scripts run from the console will not work.


My minimal docker-compose config usually looks like this:

version: "3.8" 

      dockerfile: .docker/php/Dockerfile 
      context: ./ 
    user: "${USER_ID:-1000}:${GROUP_ID:-1000}" 
    restart: unless-stopped 
      - ./:/var/www 
    working_dir: /var/www 
      PHP_IDE_CONFIG: ${PHP_IDE_CONFIG:-serverName=docker} 
      XDEBUG_CONFIG: "client_host=host.docker.internal"
      XDEBUG_TRIGGER: 'yes'
      - host.docker.internal:${HOST_IP:-} 

Setting up xDebug here is done via environment variables, thanks to Derik Rethans for such a convenient way. All possible xDebug settings and corresponding environment variables can be viewed on the dedicated pageopen in new window.


The ${VARIABLE:-someValue} notation has been brought into the docker-compose configs from bash. It means the following: "return the value of the VARIABLE environment variable, but if it is not set or empty, return someValue". In other words, someValue is the default value. In order for it to work, you need to specify the characters :- between the name of the environment variable and this value.

Changing the value of environment variables during local development is very convenient via the .env file. It may contain something like this:

# Change the name of the PHP server in the PhpStorm settings from docker to project-server

# Enable xDebug, because it is disabled by default

The minus of this approach is that the debug-session will start with every request. In order not to start it, you have to either remove the XDEBUG_TRIGGER environment variable, or remove debug value from the XDEBUG_MODE environment variable. In the first case you'll still be able to start debug-sessions from your browser with get-parameters or cookies (e.g., with the Chrome extensionopen in new window).

The extra_hosts setting in the docker-compose.yml config deserves special attention. It adds the entries specified in this setting to the hosts of the container. In this case it means the domain host.docker.internal should be searched by IP. The host machine is usually available exactly at this address, but there are exceptions, so the IP is also configured via an environment variable: so that it can be changed.


The extra_hosts setting is needed only for Linux, on Windows and MacOS, the host.docker.internal host is available inside the container by default

Finished project

I posted a simple project with the specified settings on github at in new window. To check the specified settings work using it, clone it locally and follow these steps:

  1. Set up PhpStorm as I described above
  2. Create a .env file with the following content:
  3. Set a breakpoint in the index.php file
  4. Enable xDebug connection listening in PhpStorm
  5. If you are using Windows or MacOS, remove extra_hosts from docker-compose.yml
  6. Run the docker-compose up -d command. We don't need to start services, but we need to create a network. The next command will not work without it.
  7. Run the docker-compose run --rm php php index.php command. Before the first launch, the container image will be built, this will take a few minutes.
  8. Voila, script execution is stopped at your breakpoint!