About me

About 1 min

Viktor Babanov

I'm in development since 2013. The start was in a small Web Studio named UniPlugopen in new window, where I learned to work with Bitrix and Yii Framework. And in general they made a programmer out of me.

Thank you, UniPlug

Many thanks to those guys. Especially to Dmitry Schulgachik, who is an owner, a CTO, a developer of UniPlug and most importantly, my first mentor. It was they who put me on my feet as a developer, and thanks to them, I really fell in love with programming and developed the habit of always moving forward and improving. I will always remember the friendly, even family atmosphere in the team.

I started to work in-house and completely felt in love with the Yii Framework after I've left the UniPlug. A bit more time passed, and I decided to help Yii with writing the code of the new, the third version of the framework. And in a bit more time after that I've been invited to become a part of the core development team of the framework. Of course, I've accepted it with a great pleasure!

My other passion, as it turned out with experience, is process automation. I like everything in the company to work optimally, when people do not need to be distracted by all sorts of tedium, and they can devote their time to the maximum the creative side of their work. Thanks to this, I gained an understanding of how certain processes can be changed, to make people work more comfortably and make their work more efficient.

Sometimes "for the soul" I play with front-end instruments. Of the frameworks, I like Ember and Vue the most. I also look towards Flutter.